Business Innovators Learning Center Inc. (BILCI) is a training company that understands the principles of Adult Learning. Their approach has always been focused on letting their trainees experience what is currently being taught through facilitated hands-on activities. This way, the retention of knowledge is stronger and the trainees’ ability to replicate the skill is better. Learning Social Media Marketing requires this kind of approach. It is one thing to know in theory how to make it big online and another to actually be taking the first step toward it.
The training, which will be held on March 18, 2017, will discuss a wide array of topics which will guide the participants in formulating their success in Social Media Marketing: from relevantly branding their business to the more technical aspects of white hat and black hat marketing. Business Innovators Learning Center Inc. (BILCI) promises that by the end of training, you will understand the concepts of how to make your business a hit in the World Wide Web.
Registration is still ongoing. For more information, Business Innovators Learning Center Inc. (BILCI) can be contacted through their Facebook Page (hyperlink--- or you can simply email your inquiries at Do not waste time in thinking twice about this opportunity and start making your business viral!